Wednesday, November 9, 2011

also, this:

before i forget, i learned these nice guidelines for having difficult conversations--i keep meaning to write them down:

1) is it true?
2) is it kind?
3) is it necessary?
4) is this the hill i want to die on?

check this list before you begin. say what you need to say. move on.

daily haiku practice

we'll see how this goes:

Wednesday, cloudy sky.
Coffee is my only hope.
There, now, a smile.

Friday, October 15, 2010


is my new mantra.

i think it is especially appropriate for new motherhood (3.11.11). fierce|calm. these are not opposites but maybe two sides of the same coin? my own mother is fierce|calm, maybe more fierce than calm (in a good way). i'm probably a bit more calm than fierce, sometimes to my detriment.

it's all about balance.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

i am a bad blogger.

that's all.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Spring is almost here...

Monday, October 26, 2009

to-do list

1) download most recent Wire Tap episode
2) listen to it, while:
3) baking banana bread
4) taking a hot bath
5) snuggling grey and black cats
6) having a face-making contest with Brad
7) drinking tea
8) sighing contentedly

Friday, October 16, 2009

new colorhaiku


just for fun, a new
blog color. no longer pink,
now a brownish-orange!