Monday, October 26, 2009

to-do list

1) download most recent Wire Tap episode
2) listen to it, while:
3) baking banana bread
4) taking a hot bath
5) snuggling grey and black cats
6) having a face-making contest with Brad
7) drinking tea
8) sighing contentedly

Friday, October 16, 2009

new colorhaiku


just for fun, a new
blog color. no longer pink,
now a brownish-orange!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

amazing colored coat...

I just saw Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat last night with my Dad and niece at the 5th Avenue Theatre. Besides having my Dad singing and dancing in his seat next to me while chewing his ubiquitous orange flavored Trident gum, and besides the fact that I was having PTSD while watching, being brought back to my 8th grade year, when I took the stage as narrator for this fine gem (the narrator has to sing pretty much the whole time, and I have no idea why I was cast as I actually do not sing well (though it took me several years later to figure that one out,) the production was quite good. If you like that sort of thing. Which I'm not sure I do.

I sort of have a theory about musicals--you either love them or hate them, and if you hate them then you are just really not a happy person deep down. But that theory was called into question last night, as I watched about 30 ten-year-olds (the children's chorus) prancing around on stage and had to fight the urge to vomit into my purse. What emotion was I feeling? Was it jealousy? (I would have *killed* to be one of those kids when I was ten.) Or perhaps it was just my deep-down unhappy person coming through...or maybe, just maybe, my theory is complete crap. Musicals are like anything else--you can love them in concept and hate them in reality (or vice versa.) It doesn't make you fundamentally unhappy...perhaps I'm just picky.

In any case, I am glad it is over, and next time, I will try to choose something darker, more complex, something like Little Shop of Horrors, if I am going to go down the musical road once again. Which I am sure I will. It may be a vain effort to rediscover a time when everything was simpler (and I was less picky,) but I continue to hope that one of these days, I, too, will be dancing in my seat (hopefully without the foul gum, but you never know.)

Monday, October 12, 2009

blog love

just discovered a new blog love: sfgirlbybay

sometimes you just need a little beauty break during a hectic day.

Friday, October 2, 2009

scanning it up

getting scanned today. think happy thoughts.
afterwards, i'm going to eat a lot of cheese.